Hi, I'm Daniel!

I am a dedicated Fullstack Web Developer based in Malaga, Spain, with a passion for crafting exceptional digital experiences. My expertise spans a wide array of technologies for both frontend and backend development. Through my unwavering commitment to continuous learning, I strive to deliver innovative solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations.


About Me

Get to know me!

Welcome! I'm Daniel, a very ambitious and driven Fullstack Web Developer with 2 years of experience based in Málaga, Spain.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I am motivated by a wide range of interests and passions. Whether immersing myself in literature, staying active through sports, exploring new destinations, or participating in programming projects, I constantly seek opportunities for growth and enrichment.

Driven by an unwavering commitment to personal and professional development, I firmly believe in the relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation. With an unwavering passion for technology, I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in the digital realm.

I am eager to continue evolving my career and excited to explore new avenues of growth and opportunities. Don't hesitate to contact me, I am always open to new connections and collaborations.

Contact me!

✉️ danielgonzalez.infoo@gmail.com
📱 +34 656 61 18 15

My Skills


CRM Dashboard

Agile Task Management with Kanban Board in Real Time & Administration Panel with Real-Time Visualizations and CRUD of Companies.

Discord Clone

Create your own server and invite your friends. Chat, voice and video calls in real-time😱. Next.js 13, React, Typescript, Prisma, Clerk, PostgreSQL, Node.js

SaaS AI Companion

Create your own AI and talk to him. Technologies: Next.js 13, Pinecone, Uptash Redis, MySQL, Prisma, Stripe, Clerk, React, Tailwind, Typescript, Node.js